"Cloth" (Originals)

"Cloth" (Original)

Edited Ver.
Sketchbook/File? Paul Gauguin.
Materials Used/Medium? Black Gel Pen and Cloth on a Page.
Inspiration ? My mum made me a dress , and I wanted to use the throw away cloth pieces ('Cus I hate wasting things) , so I created a piece!

"Cloth (Waifu Ver.)" (Original)

Edited Ver.
Sketchbook/File? Paul Gauguin.
Materials Used/Medium? Black Gel Pen and Cloth on a Page.
Inspiration ? A made a companion to the first piece, because everyone deserves a companion. 


Personal Note.~
I have a weird habit of finding purpose for garbage, and I may just turn it into an art signature of mine. Only time will tell.


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