"Mother, I am Hungry." (Original)

Edited Ver.
SKetchbook/File? Marie.
Materials Used/Medium? Black Gel Pen on a Page.
Inspiration ~ The hypocricy of "Beef Ban" in India (and the Dairy Industry).


Personal Note ~
This was my Instagram caption (where I first posted it on 2017?). Read it at your on risk, as it may explain the artwork, and thus ruining the whole experience. Also, my writing is pretty cringey, just a warning.:
The Hypocritical Fetishization of the Cow .

There is a community [ Mainly people who believe and identify with Hindutva ] in in India whose objective is to protect the dignity of Gau-mata (literally - Mother Cow) . Dignity of the cow -- not the Cow Itself . Now this may have had it's origins in religious (Radical Hinduism) opinions in the past , but it has been given a platform and encouraged by BJP . 

In certain states , there is a beef ban , basically you can't slaughter cows , so as to protect our "mother" , cow . This kind of law shouldn't exist in India , A SECULAR COUNTRY . (The layers of irony just keep piling up) 
The people who support this Don't Give Two Fucks about the life and well being of the animal . Even if they do , what have they done for it ?
Fed it ?
Provided it with shelter ? 
Stopped consuming dairy products ? Nope , they took down art that criticised their ideology and lynched innocent people on the suspicion of eating beef . This is no more a dirty tactic to feel legally superior and point fingers at another religious group in our country . Ever since the beef ban , many butchers and meat sellers who strive on selling cow meat have been either falsely accused and victimised , or have lost a portion of their income . Many of them were muslim . Can you take a hint now ? .
What does any of this have to do with my piece ? 
My piece was inspired by an article I read on the Dairy Industry and Beef Ban . If you're a supporter of the beef ban , did you ever think of the way that cows are treated in that industry ? Male calves are neglected till they die so they don't waste the precious milk that could be sold . When they die , the mother cow falls into depression due to the loss , so the baby is stuffed with hay to deceive the mother into believing that her baby is still alive , and thus the milk production isn't affected.



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